- 创伤 wound; trauma; vulnus
- 性 nature; character; dispositi ...
- 出血 bleed
- 胆囊非创伤性出血 nontraumatic hemorrhage of gallbladder
- 外伤性出血 traumatic hemorrhage
- 脑外伤性出血 traumatic cerebral hemorrhage
- 创伤性肝出血 traumatic hemorrhage of liver; traumatic hepatic hemorrhage
- 创伤性脑出血 traumatic cerebral hemorrhage
- 非创伤性硬膜外出血 nontraumatic epidural hemorrhage; nontraumatic extradural hemorrhage
- 非创伤性硬膜下出血 nontraumatic subdural hemorrhage
- 创伤性 traumatic
- 簿性出血热 viral hemorrhagic fevers
- 陈旧性出血 remote hemorrhage
- 迟发性出血 delayed hemorrhage
- 弛缓性出血 atonic bleeding
- 代偿性出血 vicarious hemorrhages
- 动脉性出血 arterial hemorrhage
- 二次性出血 secondary hemorrhage
- 反应性出血 reactionary hemorrhage; reactive hemorrhage
- 复发性出血 recurring hemorrhage
- 功能性出血 functional bleeding
- 广泛性出血 extensive bleeding; extensive hemorrhage; extensivebleeding
- 混合性出血 mixed hemorrhage
- 活动性出血 active bleeding; active hemorrhage
- 机能性出血 functional bleeding
- Anti - fibrinolytic agents in traumatic haemorrhage a large scale randomised controlled trial is needed