- 击穿 breakdown; puncture; spark-o ...
- 构成 constitute; form; consist of ...
- 逆 contrary; counter
- 弧 arc bow
- 逆弧 arc back; arcing back; arcing-back; back firing; backarc; backfire; backflash; flash back
- 击穿 [电学] breakdown; puncture; spark-over; disruption◇击穿导电 disruptive conduction; 击穿电压 breakdown potential; breakdown voltage; disruptive pressure; disruptive voltage; flash-over voltage; puncture voltage; rupturing voltage; shorting voltage; sparking potential; sparking voltage; 击穿放电 disruptive discharge; 击穿功率 breakdown power
- 逆弧,回火 backfire
- 逆弧发生逆弧 arc-back
- 变成逆风 drawahead
- 构成 constitute; form; consist of; compose; make up; constitution; composition; formation; enter 构成部分 component part; 构成威胁 constitute [pose] a threat; 太阳光谱的构成 the constitution of the solar spectrum; 科学家研究土壤的构成。 scientists study the composition of the soil. 这种行动构成对别国内政的干涉。 these acts constitute an interference in the internal affairs of other countries. 火箭中的爆炸性混合物由燃料和氧气构成。 the explosive mixture in a rocket consists of both a fuel and a supply of oxygen
- 持续性逆弧 consequential arc back
- 逆弧保护 arc back protection
- 逆弧电压 flash back voltage; flashback voltage
- 逆弧故障 back fire fault
- 整流器的逆弧 ar back; arback
- 电击穿 electric breakdown
- 反击穿 breakback
- 击穿的 disruptive
- 击穿点 breakdown ot; breakdown point; breakdown spot; breaking point; breakpoint; yield point
- 击穿结 breakdown junction
- 击穿区 breakdown region
- 热击穿 [半] thermal breakdown◇热击穿保护电路 thermal shut down circuit; thermorunaway
- 软击穿 soft break down; soft breakdown
- 硬击穿 hard breakdown
- 油击穿 oil puncture