In the case of dielectric breakdown, a different type of acceleration occurs . 在介质击穿的情况下,出现了一种不同类型的加速。
The research of electrostatic breakdown in the production of tft 制作中静电击穿的研究
The victim ' s skull had been stove in by a heavy instrument 遇害者的头颅是用重物击穿的
Allowing floors that were pierced by tons of falling debris to remain intact . 那些被成吨的残片击穿的楼板得以完整无缺。
Standard test method for dynamic puncture resistance of roofing membrane specimens 屋顶薄膜样品的抗动态击穿的标准试验方法
Firstly it is shown that the thermal breakdown and electron - trapping breakdown theories are the main reason causing the breakdown of pcss 指出电子俘获击穿机制与热击穿是开关击穿的主要原因。
Explosives for civil uses - detonators and relays - determination of capacitance , insulation resistance and insulation breakdown of leading wires 民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.引线的电容量耐绝缘和绝缘击穿的测定
Explosives for civil uses - detonators and relays - part 22 : determination of capacitance , insulation resistance and insulation breakdown of leading wires 民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.第22部分:引线的电容绝缘电阻和绝缘击穿的测定
The electron - trapping breakdown is the main reason accelerating the thermal breakdown , and the thermal breakdown is the fundamentality factor of the breakdown of pcss 电子俘获击穿机制是导致热击穿的主要原因,而热击穿是导致开关彻底失效的根本因素。
The results show that the final discharge in the last half cycle decided the first breakdown in this half cycle by analyzing the sequence among three current pulses in a half cycle 实验分析了半周期有三次电流脉冲时放电的时序关系,发现上一个半周期放电的最后一个电流脉冲决定了本半周期第一次击穿的时间。