出口跟单汇票,出口押汇 outward documentary bill for collection
汇票 draft; bill of exchange; money order; postal order 定期汇票 a time draft; 电汇汇票 a telegraphic draft; 即付汇票 a sight draft; 即期汇票 a demand draft; 见期汇票 bill at sight; sight bill; 商业汇票 commercial bank draft; 银行汇票 bank draft; 邮政汇票 postal money order; 汇票稽核 money order auditing checking; 汇票贴现 discount of bill
出口 1.(说出话来)speak;utter:如果你认为那不公平, 为什么不说出口? if you thought that wasn't fair, why didn't you speak up?2.(出口处) exit; exitus; way out 会场出口 the exits of a conference hall3.(本国或本地区的货物运出去; 输出) export 出口大米 export rice; 黄金出口 the export of gold4.(排出端) exhaust; outfall; outlet; egress; discharge point; vent