- 入口 enter the mouth
- 汇 converge
- 管 pipe; tube
- 汇管区 portal area
- 出口汇率 export rate
- 出口汇票 epn export promissory note; export bill; outward bill
- 进口汇兑 import exchange
- 进口汇票 import bill; import trade bill; inward bill
- 入口 1.(进入嘴中) enter the mouth 难于入口 have a nasty taste; 不可入口 ! not to be taken orally!2.(进入的门或口儿; 输入) entrance; entry; inlet; introitus; aditus; throat; threshold 车站入口处 entrance to the station; 入口程序 entry program; 入口导堤 entrance jetty; 入口界灯 threshold lights; 入口孔 ingate; 入口数据 entry data; 入口庭院 vestibule; 入口压力 inlet pressure; 入口指令 entry instruction
- 出口单, 出口汇票 export bill
- 出口汇票托收 export bill for collection
- 托收出口汇票 export bill for collection
- 流量计汇管 meter header
- 外汇管理 foreign exchange control; foreign exchange management
- 外汇管理局 administration of exchange control; exchange control department; foreign exchange administration
- 外汇管制 control of foreign exchange; exchange controls; foreign exchange control
- 外汇管制区 exchange control area
- 卟汇管理 br /21.exchangecontrol
- 托收出口汇票科目 export for collection a/c
- 应付进口汇票帐户 import bill payable account
- 外汇管理法令, 外汇管制条例 exchange control regulations
- 解除外汇管制 decontrol of foreign exchange
- 解降外汇管制 decontrol of foreign exchange
- 外汇管理当局 exchange control authorities; exchange control authority; exchange control authorization
- 外汇管理法令 exchange control regulations