1.(撞击) collide; bump; ram; flewit; blunder against 短语和例子
两辆汽车冲撞到一起了。 the two cars collided. 她在黑暗中冲撞在我身上。 she bumped into me in the dark. 2.(冲犯) give offense; offend 短语和例子
我的话冲撞了她。 my words offended her
The sea was breaking over the wrecked ship . 海水冲撞 着破船的残骸。 The passengers felt a violent bump as the plane landed . 飞机着陆时,乘客感到猛烈的冲撞 。 The two cars collided . 两辆汽车冲撞 到一起了。 The impact winded him . 猛烈的冲撞 使他摔倒了。 My words offended her . 我的话冲撞 了她。 One side or the other would have to veer away from collision . 双方必须有一方改变方向才能避免冲撞 。 And now each side was trapped on a collision course it could not alter . 现在各方已经陷入无法改变的冲撞 轨道。 They jostled, browbeat, and threatened one another, but they did not come to actual hostilities . 它们彼此冲撞 、威逼、恫吓,但是没有达到真正的战争状态。 So much necessary violence in pro football build up in the plays a towering hatred against their opponents . 职业橄榄球比赛中许多必要的冲撞 以致队员逐渐对他们的对手积怨如仇。
冲撞的法语 :动 1.heurter;buter contre;tamponner 2.offenser冲撞的日语 :(1)ぶち当たる.ぶつかる. 大风卷juǎn起巨浪,冲撞山崖shānyá/大風に巻き上げられた大波が崖にぶち当たる. (2)(相手の)機嫌をそこなう,感情を害する.(相手を)怒らせる. 他总爱冲撞人/彼はややもすると他人の感情を害する.冲撞的韩语 :(1)[동사] 부딪치다. 충돌하다. 海浪冲撞着山崖; 파도가 벼랑에 부딪치고 있다 (2)[동사] 화나게 하다. 비위를 거슬리다. 我很后悔不该失言冲撞她; 나는 실언을 하여 그녀의 비위를 거슬리지 말았어야 했는데 하고 몹시 후회한다 =[冲犯] (3)[명사] 충격. 쇼크. 受了这意外的冲撞; 의외의 충격을 받았다冲撞的俄语 :pinyin:chōngzhuàng 1) ударяться о, налетать на, наталкиваться на (что-л. ) 2) наскакивать на; грубить, дерзить (кому-л. )冲撞什么意思 :chōngzhuàng ①撞击:海浪~着山崖。 ②冲犯:我很后悔不该失言~她。