- m.s motor ship
- m/v motor ve el
- m/v motor vessel
- 内燃机 internal-combustion engine; ...
- 轮船 steamer; steamship; steamboa ...
- 内燃机 [机械工程] internal-combustion engine; combustion engine; combustion motor; explosion engine◇内燃机车 diesel; diesel locomotive; railway motor car; 内燃机船 motor vessel; motorship; 内燃机发电厂 internal combustion power plant; 内燃机牵引车 diesel tractor
- 汽轮机轮船 turbine steamer
- 涡轮机轮船 turbine steamer
- 爆发内燃机 explosive engine
- 爆震内燃机 knocking
- 等压内燃机 constant pressure motor
- 风冷内燃机 air cooled internal combustion
- 劳森内燃机 lauson engine
- 立式内燃机 vertical internal combustion engine
- 煤气内燃机 gas engine; gasengine
- 内燃机internal-combustion engine
- 内燃机柴油 automotive diesel oil
- 内燃机厂 internal combustion engine plant; internal-combustion engine plant
- 内燃机车 diesel locomotive; diesel railcar; internal combustion loco; railway motor car
- 内燃机车diesel locomotive
- 内燃机车头 diesel locomotive
- 内燃机船 diesel boat; diesel vessel; m.s motor ship; motor shi(or vessel); motor ve el.m.v; motor vessel (m.v.); motor vessel (or ship) (mv, or ms); motor vessel.m.v; motorship; mv motor vessel
- 内燃机调节 ic engine regulation; ic engine test technology
- 内燃机概论 ic engine dynamics; introduction to ic engine
- 内燃机工场 internal combustion engine shop
- 内燃机滑油 internal combustion engine lubricating oil
- 内燃机机油 motor oil
- 内燃机结构 structure of internal-combustion engine