- 内燃机车 diesel; diesel locomotive; r ...
- 头 5点就得动身 have to start before ...
- 内燃机车 diesel locomotive; diesel railcar; internal combustion loco; railway motor car
- 内燃机车diesel locomotive
- 单节内燃机车 single unit diesel locomotive; single-unit diesel locomotive
- 防火内燃机车 flame-proof diesel locomotive
- 矿用内燃机车 gasoline locomotive
- 铁路内燃机车 beeliner
- 小型内燃机车 small-size internal-combustion locomotive
- 有轨内燃机车 rail car
- 电传动内燃机车 diesel electric locomotive
- 连流式内燃机车 continuous flow internal combustion engines
- 内燃机车柴油机油 railroad diesel engine oils
- 内燃机车用柴油 railroad diesel fuel
- 液力传动内燃机车 diesel hydraulic locomotive
- 由内燃机车牵引 drawn by diesel engine traction
- 内燃机车功率确定方法 method of defining the nominal power for disel locomotives
- 内燃机车通用技术条件 general technical specifications for diesel locomotives
- 有轨内燃机车, 机动压道车 rail car
- 内燃机 [机械工程] internal-combustion engine; combustion engine; combustion motor; explosion engine◇内燃机车 diesel; diesel locomotive; railway motor car; 内燃机船 motor vessel; motorship; 内燃机发电厂 internal combustion power plant; 内燃机牵引车 diesel tractor
- 内燃机车用阀控密封式铅酸蓄电池 vavle regulated leadacid batteries for diesel locomotivess
- 内燃机车用排气式铅酸蓄电池 vented leadacid batteries for diesel locomotiveses
- 内燃机车组装后的检查与试验规则 rules for inspecting and testing of diesel locomotives after completion of construction
- 铁路内燃机车动力室噪声测量 measurement of noise in engine room of diesel locomotives
- 〔口语〕火车头,机车。 iron horse