- 具有 possess; have; be provided w ...
- 女性 femininity; woman
- 风度 demeanour; bearing
- 他具有女性化的特质 he takes on feminine characteristic
- 有女性 bearded lady
- 有女性气质的,女性化的,阴柔的,女性化 feminine
- 风度 demeanour; bearing 风度大方 have an easy manner; 有风度 have poise; behave with grace and ease; 悠然自得的风度 free and easy carriage; 军人风度 military [soldierly] bearing; 绅士般的风度 gentleman- like manner; 骑士风度 chevalier manner; 她风度迷人。 there is a charm about her manner
- 从女性主义看乐府民歌中的女性风情 understangding the feminine characters and styles in the folk song in the han style
- 具有非凡才能的女性 a woman having more than ordinary human powers and abilities
- 因风度漂亮而备受女性观众欢迎的红演员 e idol
- 女性 femininity; woman 新女性 a modern woman; emancipated women; 女性化 feminization; 女性男化 female pseudohermaphroditism; gynandry; virilism; 女性男音 androglossia
- 具有 possess; have; be provided with 具有高度责任心 possess a high sense of responsibility; 具有历史意义 have profound historical significance; 具有同等学历 have the same educational level (as shool graduates); 具有约束力 bind; 具有证人资格 qualified as a witness; 具有法人地位 have the status of a legal entity; 具有中国风味 possess chinese flavours; 具有重大意义 be of great importance; 这首诗具有浪漫主义时期的特点。 this poem is typical of the romantic period. 有些动物具有人类的特征。 some animals possess the characteristic of man
- 暴风度 storminess
- 风度线 wind shift line
- 举止,风度 bearing
- 没风度 crass
- 能风度 visibility
- 优美,风度 grace
- 有风度 have poise
- 性风险 optionality
- 没有女妖 there is no banshee only zul
- 我没有女人 updating
- 吾家有女 i have a daughter; wu jia you nu
- 有女初长成 a teenage girl
- 有女怀春 there is a girl in love