- have experienced all hardships
- 停 stop; halt; cease; pause
- 辛 hot; pungent hard; laborious
- 伫 stand still for a long while
- 苦 bitter
- 停心 to fix or settle the mind in meditation cf
- 停薪一周 fine weeks wages
- 停心光阑 central stop diaphragm
- 停薪留职 stop payment of sb.'s salary but allow him to retain office; retain the job but suspend the salary
- 停性通膨 stagflation
- 停薪两周 fine weeks wages
- 停修时间 maintenance downtime; repair downtime
- 停薪, 罚薪 forfeiture of pay
- 停蓄湖 standing lake
- 停薪 salary withheld; stop salary
- 停辛伫苦的韩语:【성어】 갖은 고난을 당하다[겪다].
- 停辛伫苦的俄语:pinyin:tíngxīzhùkǔ терпеть лишения, испытывать страдания
- 停辛伫苦什么意思:tíng xīn zhù kǔ 【解释】形容经历了不少艰难困苦。 【出处】唐朝李商隐《河内诗二首》之一:“栀子交加香蓼繁,停辛伫苦留待君。” 【拼音码】txzk 【用法】联合式;作谓语;指历尽艰辛