- stop payment of sb.'s salary but allow him to retain office; retain the job but suspend the salary
- 留职停薪 on leave without pay; leave without pay; leave with pay suspension from office; temporary retirement from office
- 留职停薪, 无薪假 leave without pay
- 停薪 salary withheld; stop salary
- 停薪, 罚薪 forfeiture of pay
- 保留职位 reserve the position
- 留职留薪 a paid leave; a fully paid furlough
- 孕妇留职 maternity leave
- 留值停薪 retain the job but suspend the salary
- 停薪两周 fine weeks wages
- 停薪一周 fine weeks wages
- 停职停薪 suspend sb. from duties and stop his salary
- 准假停薪 unpaid leave
- 停辛伫苦 have experienced all hardships
- 停心 to fix or settle the mind in meditation cf
- 停心光阑 central stop diaphragm
- 停泻回升 borrowed stock; bottom out
- 停性通膨 stagflation
- 停歇周期 outage period