停止 cease; suspend; call off; halt; stop; set-back; shutoff; arrest; discontinuous; dwelling; interruption; quit; rest; stoppage; throw-out of action 停止供水 cut off the water supply; cut off the water; 停止工作 stop working; 停止诉讼 discontinuance of action; 停止营业 business suspended; 停止罢工 call off a strike;我走近时他们停止了谈话。they stopped talking at my approach. 他们必须停止一切挑衅。 they must immediately cease all their provocations.; 停止信号 stopping signal; danger signal; break alarm; stop signal
The possessive instinct never stands still . 占有欲是从来不会停止不前的。
He s never bothered by his conscience deals with the devil , cause he wants to be 停止不前某年某月某天灿烂的街没时间眨眼
The court is not legally justified in stopping at the threshold of the case 一开始就使案件停止不前,法院这样做是完全不合法的。
Farther on down the line , the other engine broke down , and the train came to a standstill 又驶了一段,另一个引擎也坏了,火车停止不前了。
Americans believe no one stands still . if you are not moving ahead , you are falling behind 美国人相信没有人停止不前,如果你不求进取,你就会落伍。
With the internet and ip technology developing rapidly , it is realizable to transfer the real - time voice information on the internet . the ip networks , the telecom networks and the catv networks trend to converge at ip network . the traditional telecom networks had already stopped developing and even declined a lot 随着因特网和ip技术的飞速发展,在ip网络上承载实时性要求较高的语音信息已经成为了现实,加之三网融合的趋势正在加快向ip网络的方向演进,传统承载语音的电话网络已经停止不前、甚至萎缩,因此在ip网络上开展语音业务已成为大势所趋。
Hindrances for policy implementation are extremely destructive not only because they keep the government from proper functioning , but because failure in achieving the goal of government policy caused by frequent hindrances can damage the image and performances of the government to such an extent as to weaken or destroy government authority , threaten the legatimacy and solidity of political power and even lead to the overthrow of the government 论文第一部分界定了政策执行阻滞的概念及其表现形式,认为执行主体的政策执行活动因某些消极因素的影响而出现不畅乃至停止不前,进而导致政策目标不能圆满实现甚至完全落空的情形时,即谓之政策执行阻滞。