静止 static; motionless; at a standstill 不要静止地孤立地看待事物。 don't view things as static and isolated. 生活永远不是静止的。 life is never at a standstill. 形而上学宇宙观用孤立的、静止的和片面的观点去看世界。 the metaphysical world outlook sees things as isolated, static and one-sided.; 静止不动 transfixion; 静止场 [物理学] static field; 静止电极 stationary electrode; 静止电位 [电学] rest potential; 静止通信卫星 stationary communication satellite; 静止图像 still image; 静止位置 resting position; unoperated position; 静止卫星 fixed satellite; stationary satellite; 静止卫星导航系统 navigation system of stationary satellite; 静止状态 condition of rest; idle state; quiescent conditions; state of rest
She knew that silent, motionless portal opened into the street . 她知道这扇静止不动的门直通街上。
Scientists have learned that the face of the earth is not permanent . 科学家们已经认识到,地球表面并非静止不动。
However, while we remained motionless they could be thankful for everyday that passed . 但是,只要我们静止不动,他们对于过去的每一天就感到庆幸。
A mild anaemia may not produce any symptoms at all in people in sedentary occupations . 轻度贫血,对于从事静止不动的工作的人,可能没有任何症状。
Since he could detect no star's shift, aristotle concluded that the earth must be stationary . 亚里士多德因为没有测出恒星的位移,于是就断定地球一定是静止不动的。
If no wind is blowing, raindrops fall vertically and a man at rest with an umbrella directly over his head does not get wet . 如果不刮风,雨点是垂直下落的,一个静止不动的人,头上有一把雨伞,就不会淋湿。
From my perspective , you ' re kind of standing still 以我观点看来,你有点静止不动
The system starts out with two objects standing still 这个系统初始状态是两个物体都静止不动。