处世 conduct oneself in society 处世哲学 philosophy of life; 处世之道 ways of life; ways of the world; the way of conducting oneself in society; the way of dealing with the world; 为人处世品行方正的人受人敬佩。 a man of irreproachable conduct commands the respect of others
为人处世品行方正的人受人敬佩 a man of irreproachable conduct commands the respect of others
做人 1.(待人接物) conduct oneself; behave 会做人 get along with people quite well2.(当个正派人) be an upright person 重新做人 turn over a new leaf
会做人 get along with people quite well be an upright person
Do on the hill as you would do in the hall 人在山顶上的作为要像在厅堂里一样。 /做人处世要人前人后一个样。
Anger cannot help you solve problems ; only a peaceful and calm mind can help you deal with life 生气、发脾气不能解决问题,心平气和才能做人处世。
Looking back , chang cheh not only taught me how to direct , but also the way of life . i am always grateful 想来,我不仅从张彻启发到做导演的心得,也学习到做人处世之道,实属感激。
It didn ' t matter to him if they shared the same beliefs , the same neighbourhood , the same friends , or the same philosophies 客人是否与他有著共同信念,是否他的邻居,是否认识相同的朋友或者抱著相同的做人处世方法,皆一概无关重要。