1.(待人接物) conduct oneself; behave 短语和例子
会做人 get along with people quite well 2.(当个正派人) be an upright person 短语和例子
重新做人 turn over a new leaf
会做人 get along with people quite well be an upright person看做人 personify学做人 learn to be做人难 malcom in the middle做人情 do sb. a good turn; give sb. a favour从新做人 start one's life anew生当做人杰 be a man of a man and soul of soul虚做人情 manifest a little pretended kindliness勇敢做人 mtv channel重新做人 begin one's life anew; make a fresh start in life; be born again; turn over a new leaf; mend one's ways sincerely; rectify one's errors thoroughly; rectify one's life; amend one's ways; make a man of oneself again左右做人难 malcolm in the middle season 1做人处世 conduct oneself in society做人虚伪 live a lie做人要低调 never outshine the master做人要厚道 antonliox; do people need thick road夹紧尾巴做人 behave oneself by tucking one's tail between one's legs夹着尾巴做人 behave oneself by tucking one's tail between one's legs做人诚信为本 honesty is the best policy笔直跑, 正正经经做人 run straight出租之诉,定做人之诉 actiolocati口对口做人工呼吸 mouth to mouth resuscitation脱胎换骨,重新做人 remould oneself thoroughly and become a new man脱胎换骨重新做人 remould oneself thoroughly and become a new man信心革面,重新做人 clean uones act; clean up one’s act做惹别人生气的事 waving a red flag做缺德事 play a mean trick
He has no idea how to manage people . 他根本不知道如何做人 事工作。 One of these days, i'm going to start in on you . 总有一天我会让你重新做人 。 It was better when you didn't owe anybody .做人 ,你还是不欠人家的情分的好。 I keep science for life . 我在做人 做事方面,是讲究科学的。 She learned a lot about life from her mother . 她从母亲那里学到许多做人 的道理。 A man has to walk as if on eggs .做人 简直如履薄冰。 Only if he turns over a new leaf . 除非他重新做人 。 I'll write and find out how you've been conducting yourself . 我会写信打听你是怎样做人 的。 He behaved himself like a man . 他做人 有骨气。 All a man got to do is to take it easy and he'll enjoy himself .做人 只要把心放开些,就能过得快活。
做人的法语 :动 se conduire en homme;avoir du savoir-vivre不会~ne pas avoir de savoirvivre.做人的日语 :(1)身を持する. 做人应该实事求是,虚伪 xūwěi 、敷衍 fūyan 是不对的/身を持するには事実に則すことを旨とすべきで,偽りやごまかしがあってはならない. (2)正しい人間になる.真人間になる. 痛改前非,重新 chóngxīn 做人/今までの非を徹底的に改め,真人間に生まれ変わる.做人的韩语 :(1)[동사] 처세하다. 행동하다. 懂得如何做人处世; 어떻게 처세해야 하는지를 알다 (2)[동사] (올바른) 사람이 되다. 인간이 되다. 痛改前非, 重新做人; 지난날의 잘못을 뼈아프게 뉘우치고 새 사람이 되다 ∥=[作人(2)] (3)[명사] 사람 됨됨이.做人的俄语 :[zuòrén] 1) вести себя 2) быть (честным) человеком做人什么意思 :zuòrén ①指待人接物:~处世│她很会~。 ②当个正派人:痛改前非,重新~。