- 借贷 borrow or lend money debit a ...
- 权 counterpoise; weight power; ...
- 借贷权;借款能力 borrowing power
- 借贷 1.(借钱) borrow or lend money2.(借方和贷方) debit and credit sides◇借贷抵押证书 bill of goods adventure; 借贷股票 loan stocks; lending stock; 借贷利息 loan interest; 借贷业务 lending and borrowing business; 借贷资本 loan capital; interest-bearing capital
- 贷款,借贷 loan
- 借贷,借款 borrowing
- 借贷表 statement
- 借贷的 leasehold
- 借贷方 dr=debt
- 借贷款 borrowing lending
- 借贷所 credit agency
- 借贷业 lending and borrowing business
- 赁借贷 locatio conductio; locatioconductio
- 保值借贷 index linked loan; index-linked loan
- 不付息借贷 lending flat
- 承揽赁借贷 locatio conductio operis; locatioconductiooperis
- 储蓄借贷业 thrift industry; thrift-industry
- 大额借贷者 largescale borrowerr; large.scale borrower
- 贷款,借贷,借款 loan
- 电子借贷 electronic debts
- 短期借贷 short term borrowings
- 对外借贷 foreign borrowing
- 多边借贷 multilateral lending
- 风险借贷 subprime lending
- 股票借贷 stock borrowing and lending