It is not clear whether his borrowers or his host would listen 至于借贷方或年会的主办方(中国,译注)是否听取,就不得而知了。
Investigations are looking at questionable dealings between colleges and lenders 调查部门正在关注借贷方和大学之间的问题交易。
They also agreed to cancel debts owed to international lenders by some of the world ' s poorest nations 他们还同意免除世界上最贫穷国家对国际借贷方的债务。
Credit reports are used by lenders to decide how risky it would be to offer a loan or credit to an individual 信用记录是借贷方用来给个人提供贷款或发放信用卡时判断其风险率的。
Many out - of - balance conditions can be detected by computing the difference between total debits and total credits on the trial balance 试算平衡表多数不平衡的情形都可以通过计算试算平衡表中借贷方合计的差额而被发现。
Ii ) to issue shares , a company needs to be limited by shares but under british laws this will prevent it from gaining tax - exempt status 为了可以提供股权,借贷方必须注册为一家股份制公司,但在英国法律下,股份公司将不能获得免税资格。
The amount of money in an account , equal to the net of credits and debits at that point in time for that account . also called balance 指财务报表上借贷方之净额;也可以用于其他不同性质账户,如信用卡账户、银行存款、证券交易账户等余额。
Hard - to - sell long - term securities had been bought with short - lived debt , which left borrowers vulnerable to a change in sentiment every time the debt fell due 难以出售的长期证券和短期债务同时买入,这让借贷方易于受到每次债务到期时市场情绪变化的影响。
The agreement between the government and the lending industry would freeze rates for five years on some variable rate mortgages and provide assistance to as many as 1 . 2 million homeowners 该项由白宫和抵押贷款借贷方签订的协议规定,将在未来五年内冻结部分可变利率抵押贷款的利率,帮助120万名贷款购房者保住“家园” 。