

  • confined compression strength test



  • 例句与用法
  • Unconfined compression strength test
  • Many beating experiments of different quality of added lime and unlimited compress strength experiments of different time have been made
  • Many beating experiments of different quantity of added lime and unlimited compress strength experiments of different protective time have been made
  • The mechanics properties of two type of the lwts mixed with different foamed plastic beads are researched by the uniaxial compression test , the isotropic compression test and the triaxial compression test
  • On basis of the data of unlimited compress strength experiments , the paper gets the relationship between unlimited compress strength of lime - soil and the quantity of added lime . the paper also discusses the reason why the lime can dispel the expansive and shrink quality of expansive soil
  • On basis of the data of the unlimited compress strength experiments , the paper gets the relationship between unlimited compress strength of lime - soil and the quantity of added lime . the paper also discusses the reason why the lime can dispel the expansive and shrink quantity of expansive soils
  • The unconfined compressive strength , shearing strength and permeabi lity of stabilized soils were tested in laboratory , the strength of contaminated composite soils sampled with different ph and soaped in corresponding ph were compared . the results from experiments indicate that there exists a certain relationship between the soft soil properties and the unconfined compressive of grouted soil . with the increase of water content , porosity ratio , degree of porosity , plasticity limit , liquid limit and liquid index , the compressive strength of cement - sodium silicate - stabilized soil decreases , while increases as the bulk weight and compressibility modulus
  • Based on analysis on research existing status and application foreground of nanometer materials in cemented based material , the paper firstly discusses the microstructure properties of the three nanometer materials and compares them with the corresponding ordinary crystals . by unconfining compression strength tests of the cemented soil stabilized with the nanometer materials , influencing rules of nanometer material addition ratio and curing period on the strength are individually analyzed
  • Match ratio tests are done by using cement and fly - ash as curing agent , which include making soft clay with different water content into different mixing ratio cement - stabilised clay , and mixing cement and fly ash to make different cement - fly ash stengthened clay to soft clay with ascertaining water content . afterwards unconfined compression strength is tested at different curing age . the microstructures and mechanisms of cement soil and cement - fly ash soil are studied by mean " , of x - ray and scanning electron microscope ( sem ) technology
  • 推荐英语阅读
侧限抗压强度试验的英文翻译,侧限抗压强度试验英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译侧限抗压强度试验,侧限抗压强度试验的英文意思,側限抗壓強度試驗的英文侧限抗压强度试验 meaning in English側限抗壓強度試驗的英文侧限抗压强度试验怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
