- test method for compressive strength of impermeable graphite meterials
- 不透性石墨 impermeable graphite
- 材料 material
- 抗压强度 compression strength; compre ...
- 试验 experiment; test; trial
- 方法 method; means; way; techniqu ...
- 不透性石墨材料抗弯强度试验方法 test method for flexure strength of impermeable graphite materials
- 不透性石墨材料冲击试验方法 method for impact testing of impermeable graphite materials
- 不透性石墨材料力学性能试验方法总则 general rules for test methods of mechanical properties of impermeable graphite materials
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- 天然建筑石料抗压强度的试验方法 standard test method for compressive strength of dimension stone
- 不透性石墨管的拉伸强度试验 tensile strength testing method for impervious graphite pipe
- 不透性石墨管的弯曲强度试验法 bending strength testing method for impervious impervious graphite pipe
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- 木材顺纹抗压强度试验方法 method of testing in compressive strength parallel to grain of wood
- 碳和石墨和抗压强度的试验方法 standard test method for compressive strength of carbon and graphite
- 陶瓷材料抗弯曲强度试验方法 standard test method for bending strength of ceramic materials
- 抗压强度试验 compressive strength test
- 不透性石墨 impermeable graphite; impervious graphite
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- 侧限抗压强度试验 confined compression strength test
- 垂直抗压强度试验 end crush test
- 轴心抗压强度试验 test of axial compressive strength
- 不透性石墨管 resbon tube
- 不透性石墨块 resbon block
- 航空航天透明塑料抗划痕强度试验方法 standard test method for intensity of scratches on aerospace transparent plastics
- Test method for compressive strength of impermeable graphite materials