惶惶 in a state of anxiety; on tenterhooks; alarmed 人心惶惶。 people are disquieted (on tenterhooks)
人心 popular feeling; public feeling; the will of the people 不得人心 go against the will of the people; 大快人心 most gratifying to the people; to the great satisfaction of the people; 得人心 have the support of the people; enjoy popular support; 深入人心 strike root in the hearts of the people; 收买人心 curry favour with the public; 振奋人心 boost popular morale; 动摇人心 shake popular morale; 影响人心 impact on popular feeling; 人心不满 popular discontent; 人心不泯。 the human heart is no more ancient. 人心不齐。 people are of different minds. 人心不顺。 the feelings of the people are against him.; popular sentiment is against him. 人心安定。 public feeling has become calm
惶惶不安 be on tenterhooks; be greatly upset; fear and panic; live in terror and uncertainty
人心涣散 divided in public opinion; people being not of one mind
Fear spread quickly through the village . 全村不多久便人心惶惶了。
People are disquieted ( on tenterhooks ) . 人心惶惶。
People are reading it and becoming even more worried 人们看到了会人心惶惶
Don ' t you care about dead darkies , albert 你不在乎人心惶惶吗,阿尔伯特?
And the nobility have grown fearful 贵族们也渐人心惶惶
Constantly unnerved , how will we be confident about the future of hong kong 这把刀令大家人心惶惶,还怎会对这个地方有憧憬有盼望?
The quake panicked residents in the region and was felt in areas where firefighters were battling blazes 地震使该地区居民人心惶惶,甚至连身处其它地区正奋力扑火的消防员也能感觉到地面震动。
Mr qaddafi ' s intelligence services , once feared as global troublemakers , are among the most ruthless in the region 曾经让全世界人心惶惶的麻烦制造者、卡扎菲的情报部门在情报领域最为冷酷无情。
The region had never before experienced so many severe hurricanes in one season so local residents felt much anxiety and confusion during this time 对佛州地区而言,在同一个季节遭受这么多强烈飓风的侵袭,这种史无前例的现象令当地居民人心惶惶。
" well , you see , in all the panic about you - know - who , odd things have been cropping up for sale everywhere , things that are supposed to guard against you - know - who and the death eaters “噢,是这样,神秘人搞得大家人心惶惶,到处都有人弄一些稀奇古怪的东西出来卖钱,说是能够抵御神秘人和食死徒。