popular feeling; public feeling; the will of the people
不得人心 go against the will of the people; 大快人心 most gratifying to the people; to the great satisfaction of the people; 得人心 have the support of the people; enjoy popular support; 深入人心 strike root in the hearts of the people; 收买人心 curry favour with the public; 振奋人心 boost popular morale; 动摇人心 shake popular morale; 影响人心 impact on popular feeling; 人心不满 popular discontent; 人心不泯。 the human heart is no more ancient. 人心不齐。 people are of different minds. 人心不顺。 the feelings of the people are against him.; popular sentiment is against him. 人心安定。 public feeling has become calm
爱人心 the lavender semll;lover heart; the lavender smell;lover heart
得人心 popular; beloved and supported by the people 办事不公的人不得人心。 those who are unjust in their manner of doing things lose the support of the people
不得人心 not enjoy popular support; be unpopular; contrary to the will of the people; go against the will of the people; unable to win popularity; unpopularity 他上任没几天, 就成了公司里最不得人心的人。 within a few days of taking office he had become the most unpopular man in the company
人心的法语:名 cœur humain;sentiment du peuple得~avoir le soutien du peuple;gagner la sympathie du peuple.
人心的日语:(1)人心.人々の心. 振奋 zhènfèn 人心/人心を奮い立たせる. 大快人心/快哉[かいさい]を叫ばせる. 人心的向背/人心の向背. 得 dé 人心/人々に喜ばれる.人々の支持を得る. 不得人心/人々に憎まれる. 人心齐,泰山移 yí /人々の心が一つになれば,泰山を移すことさえできる. 这是人心所向,大势所趋 qū /これは人心の向かうところであり,大勢[たいせい]の赴くところである. 收...
人心的韩语:[명사] (1)사람의 마음. 인심. 민심. 得人心; 인심을 얻다 人心大变; 【성어】 인심이 크게 달라졌다 人心日下; 【성어】 인심이 날이 갈수록 나빠지다 大快人心; 인심을 크게 만족시키다 人心是肉长的; 사람은 감정의 동물이다 =人心是肉做的 人心隔肚皮, 虎心隔毛羽; 열 길 물속은 알아도 한 길 사람의 속은 모른다 =人心隔肚皮, 知人知面不知心 人...
人心的俄语:[rénxīn] 1) чувства; симпатии 不得人心 [bùdé rénxīn] — не пользоваться симпатиями народа 2) совесть; человечность