The remaining untreated waste is dumped into the yamuna river 其余未经处理的污水就被直接排入亚穆纳河里。
Swami vishwanath deo is a sadhu living in a temple on the banks of yamuna 史瓦弥是居住在亚穆纳河河岸神殿的圣人。
A man sells religious umbrellas at the confluence of the yamuna and ganges rivers in allahabad , india 印度阿拉哈巴德一名男子在亚穆纳河与恒河交会处贩售宗教用的伞。
There have been reports that the ashes of the late george harrison will be scattered somewhere along the ganges or yamuna 有报导指出,乔治哈里逊的骨灰将洒在恒河或亚穆纳河中。
" the official sewerage system does not cater to about 45 % of delhi ' s population , so their waste is illegal , untrapped and hence flows through various drains 官方污水处理系统,并不能满足百分之45的德里居民,他们的废弃物是没有被阻止、是非法的,之后再流到不同的排水管里, 22个排往亚穆纳河的排水管都没有被检验过。