A murky red and yellow sky, and a rising mist from the seine, denoted the approach of darkness . 一种暗红而淡黄的天色和从塞纳河上升起的蒙雾,表示黑夜的来临。
The broad sheet of the banana river flashes as the shuttle makes a long turn toward the spaceport to the southeast . 当航天飞机绕一个大弯朝东南方的航天港飞去时,下面巴纳纳河的宽广水面闪着银光。
We can walk down la seine . it ' s nice 我们可以沿塞纳河走走,很漂亮的
The river is out of bounds because of strong currents 赛纳河现在由于水流湍急,游人禁止入内。
9 we are sitting in a little coffee shop by the river seine 我们正坐在塞纳河边的一家小咖啡店里。
In addition , no industrial water will be discharged into the seine 此外,没有任何工业用水将排入塞纳河。
The remaining untreated waste is dumped into the yamuna river 其余未经处理的污水就被直接排入亚穆纳河里。
Take a stroll along the seine river 沿著塞纳河漫步。
At that time , we were sitting in a coffee shop by the river seine 那时侯我们正坐在塞纳河边的小咖啡馆里。