墙上一棵草风吹两边倒 a tuft of grass atop the wall sways right and left in the wind
两边 1.(物体的两个边儿; 两个方向或地方) both sides; both directions; both places 向两边散开 disperse in two [both] directions2.(双方) both parties; both sides 两边讨好, 两边落空。 if you try to please both sides, you will please neither. 两边都谈妥了。 both parties have agreed
A tuft of grass atop the wall sways right and left in the wind . 墙上一棵草,风吹两边倒。
They would even play both sides of the conflict against each other if doing so would serve to further their own goals 只要能更好为他们的目的服务,他们甚至可以象墙头草一样在冲突的双方两边倒。