- 不 a block of wood
- 离 leave; part from; be away fr ...
- 然 right; correct
- 不离道 brahmacarya
- 不离儿 [方言]1.(不坏) not bad; pretty good2.(差不多) pretty close
- 不离开 non-disjunction
- 不离题 we should stick to the principles
- 秤不离锤,锤不离秤 The steelyard never goes without the weight -- inseparable.
- 秤不离锤锤不离秤 the steelyard never goes without the weight
- 枪不离肩,马不离鞍 Rifles seldom leave the men's shoulders,the horses are never unsaddled.in constant battle array
- 枪不离肩马不离鞍 rifles seldom leave the men's shoulders the horses are never unsaddled
- 拳不离手,曲不离口 The boxer's fist must stick to its task,and the singer's mouth no rest must ask.Boxing cannot dispense with the handnor song the mouth.constantly study diligently and train hard to attain skilfulnessengage oneself in constant practice so as to be in fighting trim when challenged or so as to be in good form when asked to singPractice makes perfect.
- 拳不离手,曲不离口 the boxer's fist must stick to its task, and the singer's mouth no rest must ask.; boxing cannot dispense with the hand; nor song the mouth.; constantly study diligently and train hard to attain skilfulness [perfection]; engage oneself in constant practice so as to be in fighting trim when challenged or so as to be in good form when asked to sing; practice makes perfect
- 八九不离十 [口语] pretty close; very near; about right; in all probability; not far out 猜个八九不离十 make a very close guess
- 不即不离 (既不亲近, 又不疏远) be neither too familiar nor too distant; be negatively friendly; keep sb. at arm's length; keep the right distance; maintain a discreet distance
- 不离本题 stick to one's text [the point at issue]
- 不离本行 stick to the knitting
- 不离不弃 for your insisting on niceness; to change your eternally promise; to your memorize of the goodliness
- 不离正道的 undeviating
- 不离正题 stick to one's text
- 初级不离开 primary nondisjunction
- 次级不离开 secondary nondisjunction
- 寸步不离 follow sb. closely; keep close to; not let sb. out of one's sight; not to [never] move a step from; not to leave sb. by a foot [an inch]; not to leave sb. at any time
- 话不离宗 talk shop; speak exclusively of one's own business [professional affairs]
- 局部不离开 partial nondisjunction