- 对待 treat; approach; handle; be ...
- 人 human being; man; person; pe ...
- 不易对付 hard bitten
- 不易对付的 hard-bitten
- 耐心等待之人 everything must have a beginning
- 顽强的, 不易对付的, 难以驾御的, 顽固的 hard-bitten
- 待之骨 minion skull
- 不易 not easy to do sth
- 对待 treat; approach; handle; be in a position related to or compared with another 粗暴地对待某人 treat sb. roughly; 对待顾客要有礼貌 be polite to customers; 和蔼地对待某人 handle sb. kindly; 区别对待 deal with different people [things] in different ways; 受到残酷对待 be cruelly treated; 正确地对待群众 adopt a correct attitude towards the masses
- 之人 a man for all seasons
- 待之以礼 treat with courtesy
- 随待之骨 normal minion skull; rare minion skull
- 交易对方 counter party; counterparty
- 交易对手 counter party; counterparty
- 交易对象 instruments
- 贸易对象 trade counterpart; trade partners
- 难于, 不易 be difficult of
- 从事,对待 address
- 对待,看待 treat as
- 对待……好像…… treat sb./sth. as if/though
- 对待,处理 deal with; handle(to)
- 看着,对待 look at
- 交易对手;对手方 counterparty
- 交易对手风险 counterparty risk
- 常去…之人 goer n