对手 1.(竞赛的对方) opponent; adversary; rival 击倒对手 flatten one's opponent; 旗鼓相当的对手 a well-matched adversary2.(劲敌) match; equal 遇到对手 meet one's match; 他找到了对手。 he has found his match. 他不是我的对手。 he's no match for me. 论外交手腕之精明, 我远不是他的对手。 he was more than my match in diplomatic shrewdness.3.(对等者) fellows 超过所有的对手 pass all one's fellows
风险 risk; hazard; danger 风险很大 full of hazard; 冒风险 take risks; 不顾一切风险 at all hazards; 风险由货主负担 at owner's risk; 风险补偿收入 income to compensate for risk-taking
We support greater transparency and disclosure , and better counter - party risk management 金管局支持提高透明度及加强披露资料的要求,以及改进交易对手风险管理。
Five major hedge funds also produced an industry group report in february 2000 on improving counterparty risk management and internal control 5家主要对冲基金也在2000年6月就加强交易对手风险管理及内部管制发表业内小组报告。
16 . from the private sector , the counterparty risk management policy group formed by twelve leading international financial institutions produced a report in june 1999 16 .私营机构方面,由12家主要国际金融机构组成的交易对手风险管理政策小组counterparty risk management policy group在1999年6月发表了一份报告。
The group also welcomed the measures and recommendations to improve counterparty risk management and to enhance disclosure by highly leveraged institutions and other large financial market participants 该小组亦欢迎有关改善交易对手风险管理,并提高利用高杠杆比率运作的机构及其他金融市场大户的透明度的措施及建议。
On the strengthening of the international financial system , governors noted the progress made in various international fora to enhance transparency and disclosure as well as to improve counterparty risk management 在巩固国际金融体系方面,行长们听取了多个国际论坛在提高透明度和增加披露资料以及改善交易对手风险管理方面进展的报告。
22 . i have mentioned two approaches , that of enhanced counterparty risk management and improved transparency and disclosure , which will hopefully help to address the concerns on excessive leverage and on opaqueness of hlis 22 .我在上文提过的两个方法,分别是加强交易对手风险管理和提高透明度与增加披露资料,相信能解决有关过度借贷及高杠杆机构透明度不足的问题。
Toward greater financial stability : a private sector perspective . the report is the product of intensive work by the counterparty risk management policy group ii a group of private sector practitioners of leading wall street houses 这份报告在今年7月底面世,是由一批来自华尔街主要金融机构的市场人士组成的交易对手风险管理小组ii counterparty risk management policy group ii努力的成果。