This is a tribute to his noble personality - comparable to a full bright moon shining across the dark sky 弘一法师的崇高品格藉此得到升华,彷佛一轮明月将皎洁的光辉普洒人间。
The first half of the film depicts li s contribution to contemporary chinese culture , and highlights his charity performances to help the poor and the needy . the latter part emphasizes his contemplation and spreading of buddhist doctrines . he has concerns for people and also actively participates in fighting against the japanese invaders 影片的前半部充份展现了李叔同为中国近代文化所作的贡献,用不少篇幅刻画他演戏赈灾、致力教育和培养人才;后半部除著力描写弘一法师闭关静修和弘扬佛法外,亦充份表现了他关注民生、积极投入抗日救亡的一面。