These may be manifest as horns , spikes , elongated limbs , or even tentacles 这些法术可以让秘法师生成角、尖物和长唇甚至是触须。
These spells and skills allow the cabalist to capture , control , and even train the minions of hell 这些法术和技能使得秘法师可以征服、控制甚至是训练地狱的努臣。
This school of learning allows the cabalist to temporarily take on aspects of the demons and use the power they convey 这种学习的学派使得秘法师可以暂时变成恶魔的外貌,并且使用他们拥有的力量。
Some extremely powerful cabalists permanently alter their appearance in several ways , embedding portions of demons into their skin 某此力量强大的秘法师还可以使用几种方式把他们的外貌永远变换,把恶魔的肖像内嵌在自己的皮肤之中。
Delvers of arcane knowledge , students of the dark arts , and explorers on the fringes of science , cabalists use the powers of the demons against them 做为秘法知识的研习者、黑暗艺术的学徒、边缘科学的探索者,秘法师利用恶魔的力量来反击他们。