stretch as far as eye can see; a boundless stretch of; an unlimited view of the universe; be vast in extent; command an extensive view; stretching far across the plain; stretch far off into the distance and out of sight; stretch to [beyond] the horizon
一望无际的 vast expanse of一望无际的稻田 vast-stretching rice paddies一望无际的海洋 unbounded ocean一望无际的沙漠 a vast expanse of desert一望无际的星空 black stars and endless seas, outer space一望无际的星空 外太空 black stars and endless seas, outer space在那一望无际夜空中 to the dark and the empty skies目之所及都是一望无际的黄沙 and there's nothing to see but the sands在一望无际的原野上散布着一座座井架 derricks are scattered here and there on the boundless plain一望无涯 stretching beyond the horizon一望无垠 stretch as far as the eye can see弥望无际 boundless horizon一望无边的沙漠 a vast expanse of desert一望无边之广阔 ocean一望无垠的大草原 a boundless prairie一望 look无际 boundless; limitless; vast风无际 fengwj无际的 endless得一望二 have an insatiable desire to acquire more绝望无助 crushing despair渴望无限 ask for more; the taste is great一望而知 it can be seen at a glance [with half an eye].; it's written all over his face.; one can see... at a glance.; one glance and you know clear as noonday一望中心 one hope centre一往直前 walk the line
The flat countryside stretched out as far as the eye could see . 平原展开,一望无际 。 The prairies stretch on all sides as far as the eye can see . 草原向四周伸展,一望无际 。 The prospect from this summit was almost unlimited . 从这个山顶上看去,四周的景物差不多一望无际 。 Derricks are scattered here and there on the boundless plain . 在一望无际 的原野上散布着一座座井架。 The unequivocal flatness of the countryside came almost as a shock . 那一带一望无际 的平原,看上去简直令人吃惊。 It was a silence and a sheer whiteness exhilarating to madness . 皑皑白雪,一望无际 ,四处静悄悄的一片,叫人欣喜若狂。 League after league the earth lies flat, heaves a little, is flat again . 大地平平展展,偶尔有些起伏,但过去之后又是一望无际 的平原了。 She loved the calm of summer, when the sky is cloudless and infinite . 她喜爱夏天的平静--当天空万里无云,一望无际 时,夏日呈现出一派平静。 What a golden desert this spreading moor一望无际 的荒原多像一片金灿灿的沙漠! The endless lea will purify your thought一望无际 的草原会净化你的思想。
一望无际的法语 :s'étendre à perte de vue一望无际的日语 :〈成〉見渡す限り果てしがない. 麦浪翻滚 fāngǔn ,一望无际/ムギの穂波がうねって,果てしなく広がっている.一望无际的韩语 :【성어】 일망무제. 일망무애. 끝없이 넓다. 一望无际的大草原; 끝없이 넓게 펼쳐진 대초원 麦浪翻滚, 一望无际; 보리가 물결처럼 출렁이며 끝없이 펼쳐져 있다一望无际的俄语 :[yī wàng wú jì] обр. бескрайний; необозримый一望无际什么意思 :yī wàng wú jì 【解释】一眼望不到边。形容非常辽阔。 【拼音码】ywwj 【灯谜面】望远镜照太平洋稻浪翻滚接云天 【用法】紧缩式;作谓语、定语;形容地域辽阔 【英文】as far as one can see