- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 沙漠 desert; areg; koum; thar; er ...
- 一望无际的沙漠 a vast expanse of desert
- 一望无边之广阔 ocean
- 一望无际 stretch as far as eye can see; a boundless stretch of; an unlimited view of the universe; be vast in extent; command an extensive view; stretching far across the plain; stretch far off into the distance and out of sight; stretch to [beyond] the horizon
- 一望无际的 vast expanse of
- 一望无涯 stretching beyond the horizon
- 一望无垠 stretch as far as the eye can see
- 无边的 brimlessrimlessunbordered; endless; immeasurable; immense; u ounded; unbounded; unlimited
- 一望无际的稻田 vast-stretching rice paddies
- 一望无际的海洋 unbounded ocean
- 一望无际的星空 black stars and endless seas, outer space
- 一望无垠的大草原 a boundless prairie
- 多彩的沙漠 painted desert
- 覆雪的沙漠 snow desert
- 浩瀚的沙漠 a vast expanse of desert
- 热情的沙漠 hot liver desert; live show; tropical desert
- 我们的沙漠 sahraouna
- 炎热的沙漠 scorching desert
- (无边的)帽子 cap
- 广大无边的 cosmic; immeasurable
- 无边的背景 limbo background; limbo set
- 无边的海 open sea
- 无边的夜 along in the night
- 一望无际的星空 外太空 black stars and endless seas, outer space