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  • In the Dominican Republic the expression is " zafa ", said against curses known as " fuk?".
  • The term is a compound word composed of the word zafa, from zafar ( to loosen ) and caite a Salvadoran term for shoes.
  • At the most superficial level, the mongoose can be equated with the zafa, the counter-spell to the family's fuk?
  • If " fuk?" is " [ the ] manifestation of the masculine ideals imposed on the Dominican Republic herself, " then is Oscar the zafa of this fuk?
  • With the absence of any embodiments of white characters to emphasize the lasting impact of the colonial imaginary, the mysticism behind the fuku and zafa become that much more convincing.
  • The connection between a superstition and a magical character is more easily followed than one with an ordinary animal, highlighting the mongoose being a zafa against the de Leon's fuk?
  • In this way, zafa can be read as an undoing of colonialism because as fuku brings misery and bad luck, zafa has the potential to foil it and restore a more favorable balance.
  • In this way, zafa can be read as an undoing of colonialism because as fuku brings misery and bad luck, zafa has the potential to foil it and restore a more favorable balance.
  • At the emergency department, Charlie welcomes agency nurse Amira Zafa, and tasks her with helping him on the ward, along with helping with elderly patient Sally Hodges, who is discovered to have ED.
  • At the very beginning of the novel, it is explained that zafa is the " one way to prevent disaster from coiling around you, only one surefire counterspell that would keep you and your family safe " ( 7 ).
  • It's difficult to see zafa in a sentence. 用zafa造句挺难的
  • Although by the end none of the characters seem to have escaped the cycle of violence or the effects of fuk? Yunior has a dream in which Oscar waves a blank book at him, and he realizes that this can be a " zafa " ( 325 ) to the family curse.
  • When interpreted as magic instead of as the literal actions of white people, the fuku and zafa transcend human beings and remind us that even when colonialism is not particularly obvious, it is a force that looms over all, and its effects must first be confronted before anyone can take action accordingly, as Yunior's dream suggests.
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