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  • The trees in wadi mashash developed well and have started to bear fruit .
  • Our work in wadi mashash has had some impact on them, however .
  • But further reading in the wadi faq see
    但是进一步阅读wadi的faq (请参阅
  • Where it will turn , join the wadi of egypt and end at the sea
    5 [和合]从押们转到6埃及7小河,直通到海为止。
  • [ niv ] where it will turn , join the wadi of egypt and end at the sea
    5 [和合]从押们转到6埃及7小河,直通到海为止。
  • So , they must split wadi into modules and distribute them separately
  • In fact , work is nearly completed on a full openejb integration with wadi
  • The wadi project on codehaus will remain for development of lgpl connector modules
  • For a recent discussion of the migration of the wadi into the geronimo project from codehaus
  • If you are travelling with your kids , bring them to the wild wadi water park to beat the heat
    如有小孩同行,可带他们到wild wadi water park水上乐园
  • It's difficult to see wadi in a sentence. 用wadi造句挺难的
  • I ve just learned from jeff that wadi has in fact been committed to the geronimo source tree
  • And for those interested , come and join us on the lists and on wadi and apache geronimo
    :而且对于那些有兴趣的人,请来加入我们的列表、 wadi和apache geronimo 。
  • It then passed along to azmon and joined the wadi of egypt , ending at the sea . this is their southern boundary
  • For a link has revealed that they are also working out how to integrate wadi with the ejb tier of an application server
  • Wadi and apache geronimo have recently paired to build a suite of clustering functionality under the geronimo banner
    Wadi和apache geronimo最近走到了一起,要在geronimo的旗帜下构建一套集群功能。
  • " the southern boundary of gad will run south from tamar to the waters of meribah kadesh , then along the wadi of egypt to the great sea
  • Greg has been an advocate of wadi for over a year and has worked with jules to ensure that jetty works well with wadi
  • Not only that , but he is confident that the functionality that wadi adds for clustering will allow geronimo 1 . 0 to be fully cluster enabled
    不仅这样,他还确信wadi为集群添加的功能将允许geronimo 1 . 0能够完全支持集群!
  • And , of course , many other codehaus projects are used within geronimo , such as activeio , servicemix , and , more recently , wadi
    而且,在geronimo中当然还用了其他许多codehaus项目,比如activeio 、 servicemix以及更新的wadi 。
  • Jules will be completing work on grid - based distributed cacheing , and jeff will be working on the gbean integration of wadi into geronimo
    Jules将完成基于网格的分布式缓存的工作,而jeff将负责把wadi的gbean集成加入geronimo 。
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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