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  • The highest elevation in the canton is the Vanil Noir with.
  • The Vanil Noir is part of a nature reserve since 1983.
  • Stoli Vanil and Mexico's Tuaca liqueur lead the bar brigade.
  • Vanil is often paired with Coke, Razberi with Sprite or 7Up.
  • The mountain lies between the Pointe de Paray and the Vanil Noir.
  • It lies on the chain connecting the Vanil Noir to the Dent de Brenleire.
  • The mountain lies approximately halfway between the Vanil de l'Ecri and the Gros Perr?
  • It is located 1 km west of a ridge linking the Vanil des Artses and the Cape au Moine.
  • Creamsicle : 1 1 / 2 ounces Stoli Ohranj, 1 1 / 2 ounces Stoni Vanil, garnish with orange slice.
  • "' Gros Mont "'is an Sarine, is the lowest point between the massifs of the Vanil Noir and the Gastlosen.
  • It's difficult to see vanil in a sentence. 用vanil造句挺难的
  • Reaching a height of 2, 376 metres above sea level, it is both the second highest summit of the Vanil Noir massif and the canton of Fribourg.
  • The "'Vanil Noir "'is a mountain of the Fribourg Prealps, located on the border between the cantons of prominent summit of both cantons.
  • It has a height of 2, 375 metres above sea level, making it both the third highest summit of the Vanil Noir massif and the canton of Fribourg.
  • The "'Vanil de l'Ecri "'is a mountain of the Swiss Prealps, located on the border between the cantons of Fribourg and Vaud.
  • The "'Vanil des Artses "'( 1, 993 m ) is a mountain of the Swiss Prealps, located west of Montbovon in the canton of Gruy鑢e.
  • The "'Vanil des Cours "'( 1, 562 ) is a mountain of the Swiss Prealps, overlooking the Lake of Gruy鑢e in the canton of Fribourg.
  • It is one of the five summits above 2, 300 metres in the canton, the other being the Vanil Noir, the Vanil de L'Ecri, the Pointe de Paray and the Dent de Brenleire.
  • It is one of the five summits above 2, 300 metres in the canton, the other being the Vanil Noir, the Vanil de L'Ecri, the Pointe de Paray and the Dent de Brenleire.
  • The "'Vanil d'Arpille "'( also known as " Maisch黳fenspitz " ) is a mountain of the Swiss Prealps, located north of Im Fang in the canton of Fribourg.
  • It has an elevation of 2, 353 metres above sea level and is amongst the highest summits in the canton of Fribourg, after the Vanil Noir, the Vanil de l'Ecri and the Pointe de Paray.
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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