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  • Minutes ago , guidance computers at vandenberg crashed
  • Peter vandenberg has just spent about $ 360 , 000 on a new bentley - and turned it into a plumber ' s van
  • Mr vandenberg has been in the plumbing business for six months , having previously made his living in property development in london and new zealand
  • Space services " planned launch of ashes on an unspecified date next month from vandenberg air force base in california will be the fifth " memorial spaceflight " for the privately held company and its previous incarnation , celestis inc
  • Nasa fired three microsatellites into space wednesday to study the earth ' s magnetic fields , a week after an earlier launch was scrubbed . the 55 - pound st5 satellites , which will test new technologies for future science missions , were carried aloft from vandenberg air force base aboard a lockheed l - 1011 jet
  • It's difficult to see vandenberg in a sentence. 用vandenberg造句挺难的
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