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  • Vandalizing the great buildings, tearing up fences, breaking off the branches of small tress, smashing windows were their way of showing their anger .
  • The phone box was vandalized by a gang of youths
  • I ' m not a coward , vandalizing signboards
  • Some young heathen has vandalized the bus shelter
  • Vandalizing public property . disturbing the peace
  • Roadside non - commercial publicity materials being vandalized or stolen
  • And vandalized my entry
  • And vandalized my entry
  • Crimes such as shoplifting , raping , vandalizing , etc . that are done on an impulse
    在冲动之下所犯的罪行,如商店扒窃、 * 、损坏公物等。
  • Bands of mischief - makers roamed city streets and country roads blowing horns and vandalizing both residences and businesses
  • It's difficult to see vandalize in a sentence. 用vandalize造句挺难的
  • " you have vandalized my heart , raped my soul and torched my conscience . you thought it was one pathetic , bored life you were extinguishing .
  • In 415 bce , when the athenian fleet was about to set sail for syracuse during the peloponnesian war , all of the athenian hermai were vandalized
    在公元前415年伯罗奔尼撒战争期间,雅典舰队正要出海到锡拉库扎(意大利西西里岛东部一港市) ,所有雅典的赫尔密斯方形石柱被破坏。
  • Some suggest that the workers who vandalized the anunnaki nazca lines fled to easter island and constructed the maoi with the techniques they learned from the anunnaki
    一些就建议破坏纳兹卡航线的工人飞到复活节岛上,用他们在纳兹卡学过的技术去建造摩艾(复活节岛的巨石) 。
  • Is for report if you see anyone vandalizing the countryside or behaving inappropriately , don t confront or argue with them , simply report to the relevant local authority such as afcd wardens
    代表report ,即报告若你看见有人破坏郊外环境,或做出不适当行为,无须与他们争执或发生冲突,只须向渔护署自然护理员或有关部门举报即可。
  • London - a retired businesswoman accused of vandalizing her neighbors ' property and blocking local roads with dead animals and dog feces was served with an order thursday banning her from engaging in anti - social behavior
  • As software drives more of the devices we use every day and cyber criminals continue to find new ways to disrupt , vandalize and steal on the internet , helping ensure security remains a critical part of trustworthy computing
  • Kurtz said some of the settlers would vandalize palestinian shops and houses , write graffiti such as " arabs out , " move into palestinian shops in the middle of the night and turn them into homes , and their children would throw rocks at an old arab woman
    他说一些犹太定居者破坏巴勒斯坦人的房子和商店,涂写“阿拉伯人,滚” ,在深夜里跑到巴勒斯坦人的商店将东西搬回家,他们的孩子还向阿拉伯老太太扔石头。
如何用vandalize造句,用vandalize造句vandalize in a sentence, 用vandalize造句和vandalize的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。