- Vanadinite deposits are found in over 400 mines across the world.
- Del Rio's lead mineral was later renamed vanadinite for its vanadium content.
- Descloizite occurs in veins of lead ores in association with pyromorphite, vanadinite, wulfenite, mottramite, mimetite and cerussite.
- Notable vanadinite mines include those at Sierra County, New Mexico, and Gila County, Arizona, in the United States.
- Vanadium was discovered by Andr閟 Manuel del R韔, a Spanish-born Mexican mineralogist, in 1801 in the mineral vanadinite.
- The Hull Mine and Puzzler Mine in particular have produced atypical green vanadinite and mimetite as well as yellow-hued wulfenite.
- It occurs with cerussite, anglesite, smithsonite, hemimorphite, vanadinite, pyromorphite, mimetite, descloizite, plattnerite and various iron and manganese oxides.
- Vanadinite is usually bright-red or orange-red in colour, although sometimes brown, red-brown, grey, yellow, or colourless.
- The region is known for striking combinations of cerussite, fluorite, vanadinite, wulfenite, barite, and mimetite, as well as galenite and anglesite.
- Along with carnotite and roscoelite, vanadinite is one of the main industrial ores of the element vanadium, which can be extracted by sodium vanadate ( NaVO 3 ).
- It's difficult to see vanadinites in a sentence. 用vanadinites造句挺难的
- It has been found in association with cerussite, descloizite, hemimorphite, hopeite, hydrozincite, " limonite ", parahopeite, pyromorphite, scholzite, smithsonite, and vanadinite.
- Deposits of vanadinite are found worldwide including Austria, Spain, Scotland, the Ural Mountains, South Africa, Namibia, Morocco, Argentina, Mexico, and 4 states of the United States : Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and South Dakota.
- You'll learn about the selenite caves of Mexico, where crystals of the mineral grow to 2 feet, and about a collecting trip to the deserts of Morocco, source of choice speci mens of vanadinite, smithsonite, azurite, malachite, cerussite and agates abound ( if you recognize all these, this mag's for you ).
- It also occurs at Yukspor Mountain, Khibiny Massif, Kola Peninsula, Murmanskaja Oblast', Northern Region, in an aegerine-natrolite-microcline vein in foyaite, associated with aegirine, anatase, ancylite-( Ce ), barylite, catapleiite, cerite-( Ce ), cerite-( La ), chabazite-( Ca ), edingtonite, fluorapatite, galena, ilmenite, microcline, natrolite, sphalerite and vanadinite.
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