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  • Tortuosa Group, is a rare Cultivar Group of the European Beech with less than 1500 older specimens in Europe.
  • "Heliconia tortuosa " is selective with its pollination, allowing only green hermit and violet sabrewing hummingbirds to pollinate its flowers.
  • It has also been widely cultivated as a garden plant for its showy, usually twisted ( hence the name " tortuosa " ) inflorescences.
  • ""'Heliconia tortuosa " "'is an herbaceous tropical perennial commonly found in secondary succession in montane forests in Central America and southern Mexico ( Chiapas and Tabasco ).
  • A particularly popular cultivar of this species is " Salix matsudana "'Tortuosa', the " Corkscrew willow " ( also known as the Hankow willow, curly willow, dragon's claw, or globe willow ), in which the branches and twigs grow in a spiral, twisting manner.
  • During this time he made a number of collecting expeditions in south-west Western Australia, and published a number of plant taxa, of which " Logania tortuosa ", " Melaleuca coronicarpa ", " Daviesia uniflora ", " Xanthorrhoea brevistyla " and " Xanthorrhoea nana " ( Dwarf Grasstree ) remain current.
  • It's difficult to see tortuosa in a sentence. 用tortuosa造句挺难的
如何用tortuosa造句,用tortuosa造句tortuosa in a sentence, 用tortuosa造句和tortuosa的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。