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  • America used to make profit from the sells of big suvs and trucks , but they were not popular due to the high petrol price ; europe has a resting production power of 30 % , swedan saab is more fragile , and indian fiat faces big reorgnization , gm and ford ' s european branches may reduce the production scale , and the same thing happens to german vw
    美国一直靠大型suv和卡车保持盈利,但是这两种车型受到高油价的威胁,而且现在已经不时髦了;欧洲目前的汽车生产能力有30 %的剩余;瑞典的绅宝公司极为脆弱,意大利的菲亚特公司面临大改组,通用公司和福特公司在欧洲的子公司都可能缩小生产规模,德国的大众公司也一样。
  • It's difficult to see swedan in a sentence. 用swedan造句挺难的
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