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  • "Excellent, " counters Geerd Ryke Hamer, the ex-doctor from Germany.
  • County Commissioner Marti Van Ravenswaay and her 6-year-old grandson, Ryke Van Ravenswaay, joined in.
  • The nature reserve covers all of Edge鴜a and Barents鴜a in addition to a number of smaller islands, including Thousand Islands, Ryke Yse鴜ane and Halvm錸e鴜a.
  • They were acting on the advice of Geerd Ryke Hamer, a doctor barred from practicing in his native Germany for claiming that cancer is a state of mind.
  • The parents were acting on the advice of Geerd Ryke Hamer, a doctor barred from practing in his native Germany for claiming that cancer is a state of mind.
  • They were persuaded last week to return to Vienna and agreed on Thursday to allow chemotherapy, but changed their minds Friday after talking to the former doctor, Geerd Ryke Hamer.
  • He said that after many misgivings, he and his wife decided to remove their daughter from conventional care and entrust her treatment to Geerd Ryke Hamer, the banned German doctor.
  • Louw's 1934's collection of poems entitled " Die ryke dwaas " ( " The rich fool " ) might perhaps be seen as the start of the Dertigers movement within Afrikaans literature . 1
  • What the intimate gathering at the Ryke Aquatic Centre saw was the Americans bolt to a 2-0 edge on two early O'Toole goals and then fall behind 5-3 at one point in the second period.
  • The Dertigers arose after the Tweede Asem ( " Second Breath " ) writers of the first decades of the 20th century; the year of 1934 is often selected as the breakthrough date for the Dertigers : W . E . G . Louw's " Die ryke dwaas " ( " The Rich Fool " ) appeared in that year.
  • It's difficult to see ryke in a sentence. 用ryke造句挺难的
  • Geerd Ryke Hamer, barred from practicing in his native Germany in 1986 for claiming that cancer is a state of mind, began introducing his ideas on alternative cancer treatment in Spain in the late 1980s and has since opened and at least a dozen consultation clinics in cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Malaga and Palma de Mallorca, the daily El Pais said.
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