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  • Boiler water rustiness prevention method no . 2974668
    锅炉供水赤水防治法第2974668 ,
  • 6 as for all machined surfaces without protective paint , metal protector or grease should be applied to avoid serious rustiness
  • Party b shall pack the commodities under the 《 purchase sheet 》 in packages suitable for long distance ocean or inland transportation , protecting the commodities against moisture , shock , rustiness and rough handling
  • The most materials of german audi car are made of galvanized steel ( some part are made of aluminum alloy ) , america buick car uses galvanized steel that contains more than 80 % two - sided galvanized steel , shanghai passat uses electric galvanizing technology on out covering part , hot galvanizing technology on inside covering part , which can protect the car body out of rustiness more than 11 years
    德国奥迪轿车的车身部件绝大部分采用镀锌钢板(部分用铝合金板) ,美国别克轿车采用的钢板80 %以上是双面热镀锌钢板,上海帕萨特车身的外复盖件采用电镀锌工艺,内复盖件内部采用热镀锌工艺,可以使车身防锈蚀保质期长达11年。
  • This paper introduces the property requirements on insulating varnish and some technical indicators of import varnishes used in electronic transformer , discusses the effects of baking temperature , baking time , dry capability , impregnation process of varnish on the noise , rustiness box craze , insulating tape bond failure which occurred in electronic transformer
  • It's difficult to see rustiness in a sentence. 用rustiness造句挺难的
如何用rustiness造句,用rustiness造句rustiness in a sentence, 用rustiness造句和rustiness的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。