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  • Others are Latvian-born descendants of workers sent to Russify the country decades ago.
  • So it wasn't like there was any concerted effort to " Russify " that land in order to annex it.
  • Emphasis was also put on the Russian language, which was viewed by Estonians as an attempt to Russify their non-Slavic nation.
  • When Russia declared war on the German Empire in 1914, his father  a fervent Russian monarchist  decided to russify the family name.
  • They imported Russians to replace the purged peoples ( i . e . in East Prussia ) or to " Russify " areas like the Baltics.
  • Zagoskin attempted to Russify his characters and provided authentic descriptive detail; his " contribution lies in his innovative of language to create an illusion of antiquity.
  • The system was seen by many as a clear attempt to punish those who had been in the first wave of Stalin's drive to Russify Latvia.
  • Most are retired Soviet military personnel, or workers sent to Russify the country in the 1950s and 1960s, and their descendants, many of whom were born in Latvia.
  • Hundreds of thousands of ethnic Russians poured into Latvia after it was forcibly annexed by the Soviet Union as part of Josef Stalin's drive to " Russify"
  • In 1895 she studied at a Russian gymnasium, which was one of the many schools instituted by Tsar Alexander III to russify the Caucasus and expand the borders of Imperial Russia.
  • It's difficult to see russify in a sentence. 用russify造句挺难的
  • The new mall is a showpiece of Mayor Yuri Luzhkov's ambitious plans to de-communize and re-Russify the capital before the city's 850th anniversary in September.
  • In his native Turkmen language, Durdy Bayramov s name is simply  Durdy Bayram ( without the Slavic-style  ov suffix added to Russify names during the Soviet era ).
  • Russians subjugated the region in the 19th century, and Stalin ensured lasting hatred by forcibly marching virtually the entire population of Chechnya to Kazakhstan in a failed attempt to forever Russify the area.
  • After the Soviet Union forcibly annexed Latvia in 1940, hundreds of thousands of ethnic Russians poured in, most of them sent under Josef Stalin's drive to " russify"
  • "' Karjalan veljeskunta "'( " Karelian Brotherhood " ) was an organization founded in 1907 as a Russian Orthodox society, whose goal was to russify Karelias orthodox population.
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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