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  • In 1902 William Ruddle's son, Ernest became the licensee.
  • In 1927 the properties were acquired by Ernest Ruddle.
  • Ruddle had agreed to accept a voluntary treatment program but withdrew his consent Monday.
  • Against the backdrop of a flourishing Fortitude Valley, William Ruddle expanded his enterprise.
  • DAVID M . RUDDLE : Planning the Dream
  • A stone screen on the landing was added in 1850 by Francis Ruddle of Peterborough.
  • The Ruddles Brewery was Protected Geographical Indication status; this followed an application by Ruddles.
  • The Ruddles Brewery was Protected Geographical Indication status; this followed an application by Ruddles.
  • The developers contracted architects Ruddle Wilkinson.
  • Apart from that period the hotel remained under the proprietorship of the Ruddle family until 1936.
  • It's difficult to see ruddle in a sentence. 用ruddle造句挺难的
  • This was to mark the end of a 60-year association by the Ruddle family.
  • David M . Ruddle, who was 31, had a big distinctive laugh and a plan.
  • Scottish First Secretary Donald Dewar said lawmakers would reconsider the law that allowed Ruddle to be released.
  • Ruddles Brewery was based in Langham from its foundation in 1858 until it was closed in 1997.
  • Martin's Station, not far from Ruddle's was similarly surprised, and surrendered.
  • "' Ruddles Mills "'is an unincorporated community in Bourbon County, Kentucky.
  • In 1965, WGN-TV introduced the first news anchor team, Gary Park and Jim Ruddle.
  • A new organ case was built by Ruddle in 1832-33 at a contracted cost of ?27.
  • The company was started by Richard Shardlow, who had previous experience with Greene King, Ruddles and Devenish.
  • The site is located where Hinkston Creek and Licking River ( not to be confused with Ruddles Station ).
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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