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  • In his charge at his primary visitation in October 1868 ( published ) Jacobson spoke on the duty of rubrical conformity.
  • The Menology ( folios 114 v  160 ) has almost no lessons given at length, but overflows with rubrical directions.
  • In practice, this rubrical change eliminated such traditional practices as the use of the Preface of the Nativity at the Masses of Corpus Christi and of the Transfiguration.
  • Just as a campstool of similar form came to be used by military commanders in the field, so it became the ceremonial chair that accompanied the bishop in his official rubrical requirements.
  • There are no reports of priests regularly using any typical edition of the Missal earlier than that of 1920, which incorporated the rubrical and calendar changes made by Pope Pius X in 1910.
  • Amen " within the prayer to be omitted, moved the phrase " The mystery of faith " from within the " words of institution " spoken over the chalice to after them, and made some rubrical changes.
  • The earliest existing codification of the prayerbook was drawn up by Rav Amram Gaon of Sura, Babylon, about 850 CE . Half a century later Rav Saadia Gaon, also of Sura, composed a siddur, in which the rubrical matter is in Arabic.
  • Generally, the former of these rubrical books contains the principles and the latter their application; the former determines those matters that are constant and primarily the duties of persons, the latter deals with the arrangements which vary from day to day and from year to year.
  • The Orders of Morning and Evening Prayer were extended by the inclusion of a penitential section at the beginning including a corporate confession of sin and a general absolution, although the text was printed only in Morning Prayer with rubrical directions to use it in the evening as well.
  • Similarly, only the first verse of the'Sanctus'is sung before the Consecration, the'Benedictus'verse is required to be sung afterward, according to the rubrics of the Mass . This required rubrical division often results in the verses appearing in music as two separate movements, although they are thematically joined.
  • It's difficult to see rubrical in a sentence. 用rubrical造句挺难的
  • However, about the eleventh century there grew up a tendency towards greater elaboration and precision in rubrical directions for the services, and at the same time we notice the beginning of a more or less strongly marked division of these directions into two classes, which in the case of the Sarum Use are conveniently distinguished as the Customary and the Ordinal.
  • In modern Euchologia, however, it is usual to add the " Apostles " ( the readings from the Epistles ) and Gospels for the Great Feasts ( these are taken from the two books that contain the whole collection of liturgical lessons ), and lastly the arrangement of the court of the Ecumenical Patriarch, with rubrical directions for their various duties during the Liturgy.
  • In the 13th or 14th century, 1 January began to be celebrated in Rome, as already in Spain and Gaul, as the feast of the Circumcision of the Lord and the Octave of the Nativity, while still oriented towards Mary and Christmas, with many prayers, antiphons and 1960 rubrical and calendrical revision removed the mention of the circumcision of Jesus and called 1 January simply the Octave of the Nativity.
  • Cekada's bibliography includes apologetic, analytical and controversial articles on a great variety of topics : the errors of Vatican II and the post-Conciliar popes, canon law, seminary formation, the Feeney case, the Mass of Paul VI, the pre-Vatican II liturgical changes, the validity of post Vatican II sacramental rites, questions in moral and pastoral theology, and the case for sedevacantism, the Schiavo case, the Society of St . Pius X, intramural traditionalist disputes, and rubrical matters.
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