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  • A funeral would cost several hundred rubles and he had nothing .
  • A neighbouring small owner, with the most benevolent countenance, contracted to supply him with reapers for a commission of two rubles an acre .
  • Reichsmarks , rins , rubles , pounds and shekels
  • . . . drachmas , rubles , rupees , and pounds - fucking - sterling
    英镑. . .这些才是最好的
  • Drachmas , rubles , rupees , and pounds - fucking - sterling
  • Ruble and foreign exchange ' s role in russia ' seconomic development
  • Ruble pen for you
  • Ruble pen for you
  • Rur russia rubles
  • Of territory west of the korgas river , and was charged nine million rubles compensation
  • It's difficult to see ruble in a sentence. 用ruble造句挺难的
  • Ironically , the collapse of the ruble in 1998 which made imports prohibitively expensive boosted domestic production
    有讽刺意味的是, 1998年卢布的崩溃导致了进口货物令人望而却步的高价推动了国内的生产。
  • “ in one year , rotarians from around the world raised over us $ 600 , 000 ? about 17 million rubles ? to benefit needy children , ” jones said
    琼斯说: ”在一年内从世界各地募款超过美金60万元,大约是1千7佰万卢布,使极需的儿童受益. ”
  • The captain cried , “ a challenge , then ! cross the graveyard tonight , ivan , and i ' ll give you five rubles ? ? five gold rubles !
    老板大声吼道: “好吧!来一次挑战怎么样?伊万,今天晚上你穿过墓地走回去,我就给你5个金卢布; 5个金卢布! ”
  • Moscow is the world ' s most expensive city for the second year in a row , thanks to an appreciating ruble and rising housing costs , a new survey reports
  • Moscow is the world ' s most expensive city for the second year in a row , thanks to an appreciating ruble and rising housing costs , a new survey reports
  • “ five gold rubles … ” the wind was cruel and the sword was like ice in his hands . ivan shivered under the long , thick coat and broke into a limping run
    “ 5个金卢布… … ”风凄厉地刮着,他手中的剑冰冷刺骨。伊万裹在那件又长又厚的大衣里浑身直发抖,不由得一瘸一拐地跑了起来。
  • Of territory west of the korgas river , and was charged nine million rubles compensation . the new city was rebuilt in 1882 , 7 . 5 kilometers north of the old city , 38 kilometers south east of yining
    新城建于1882年,位于旧城之北7 . 5公里,东南距伊宁是约38公里,仿照旧城而建,史称新惠远城。
  • The original faberge bill shows that the czar was charged 24 , 600 rubles and detailed the composition of the egg : the body set with 1 , 300 rose diamonds , the borders with 360 brilliants and the small basket with 1 , 378 rose - diamonds
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