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  • His rubicund face expressed consternation and fatigue .
  • You re looking rubicund , george lidwell said
    “你看上去红光满面, ”乔治利德维尔说。
  • The companion , miss clark , was a woman of sixty , a stout cheery woman with a beaming rubicund face
  • His eyes were blue , his complexion rubicund , his figure almost portly and well - built , his body muscular , and his physical powers fully developed by the exercises of his younger days . his brown hair was somewhat tumbled ; for while the ancient sculptors are said to have known eighteen methods of arranging minerva s tresses , passepartout was familiar with but one of dressing his own : three strokes of a large - tooth comb completed his toilet
  • It's difficult to see rubicund in a sentence. 用rubicund造句挺难的
如何用rubicund造句,用rubicund造句rubicund in a sentence, 用rubicund造句和rubicund的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。