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  • Appreciation of tang poetry quatrains vol
  • Modulated and magnificent , vehement and desolate - explain li yi ' s three frontier heptasyllabic quatrain
  • That is how she came to learn of the quatrain written by your father , and decided to leave moulins , and the court , to consult him
  • As my thoughts on that subject began to be marshalled and spoken , i may have been formally influenced by gray ' s pentameter quatrains
  • One day at midnight , i was racking my brains over some quatrains by nostradamus , wondering how they should be translated . i thought of master and she called me on the phone ! at the end of the talk , she asked if i had any problems , so i took the opportunity to consult her
  • It's difficult to see quatrain in a sentence. 用quatrain造句挺难的
如何用quatrain造句,用quatrain造句quatrain in a sentence, 用quatrain造句和quatrain的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。