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  • In chapter 5 , the large sets and the overlarge sets of idempotent quasi - groups are discussed
  • Furthermore , in the second chapter semidirect product of 5 and te is discussed . we have the result that it is also clifford quasi - regular semigroup . besides semidirect product of s and te is semilattice of quasi - groups
    进一步,论文又在第h章中讨论了半群s和t的子半群te的半直积及其结构,得出了s和t ”的半直积也是clvj 。
  • It's difficult to see quasi-group in a sentence. 用quasi-group造句挺难的
如何用quasi-group造句,用quasi-group造句quasi-group in a sentence, 用quasi-group造句和quasi-group的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。