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  • These contending forces are expressed in some of Schubert's other works : in the quartet Quartettsatz, D . 703.
  • And the controlled verve in Schubert's " Quartettsatz, " which concludes the disk, is no less impressive.
  • In 2004 the Oregon String Quartet premiered the " Quartettsatz " coupled with a completed version of the Andante composed by Livingston Gearhart in 1990.
  • The " Quartettsatz " received its posthumous premiere on 1 March 1867 in Vienna, with publication of the score, edited by Brahms, following in 1870.
  • For a number of years it was believed that the " Quartettsatz " was an early work dating to around 1814 ( perhaps a confusion with the Fifteenth Quartet, D 887.
  • The " terse, " " tragic " String Quartet No . 1 in C minor is remarkable for its organic unity and for the harmonically sophisticated, " orchestrally inclined " outer Quartettsatz, D . 703, also in C minor.
  • During 2012 the Brentano String Quartet performed the " Quartettsatz " as part of their " Fragments Project ", for this concert series the composition was paired with a work entitled " Fra ( nz ) g-mentation " by composer Bruce Adolphe that was based on Schubert's Andante sketches.
  • It's difficult to see quartettsatz in a sentence. 用quartettsatz造句挺难的
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