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  • I . " Qualisign, sinsign, legisign " ( also called " tone, token, type, " and also called " potisign, actisign, famisign " ) : This typology classifies every sign according to the sign's own phenomenological category the qualisign is a quality, a possibility, a " First "; the sinsign is a reaction or resistance, a singular object, an actual event or fact, a " Second "; and the legisign is a habit, a rule, a representational relation, a " Third ".
  • I . " Qualisign, sinsign, legisign " ( also called " tone, token, type, " and also called " potisign, actisign, famisign " ) : This typology classifies every sign according to the sign's own phenomenological category the qualisign is a quality, a possibility, a " First "; the sinsign is a reaction or resistance, a singular object, an actual event or fact, a " Second "; and the legisign is a habit, a rule, a representational relation, a " Third ".
  • It's difficult to see qualisign in a sentence. 用qualisign造句挺难的
如何用qualisign造句,用qualisign造句qualisign in a sentence, 用qualisign造句和qualisign的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。